Mechanics Of Shoulder Mobility & Flexibility
Achieve Your Maximum Shoulder Range Of Motion
Complete A Detailed Assessment
- Learn how to assess your lats, subscapularis, pec minor and more to properly target your training.
- The shoulder assessment allows you to accurately build a picture of how you can improve. We take a deep look at scapula strength, shoulder flexion, rotation and more.
Scapula Strength
- The shoulder blade is crucial to a properly functioning shoulder. We look to restore proper scapulohumeral rhythm in order to improve the overall health, strength and range of your shoulder joint.
- Build the active capacity to exhibit strength throughout your range and improve upper body performance.
What's Included In Shoulders?
Shoulder Flexion Progress
We assess shoulders by looking at a range of factors that can restrict our movement in this highly complex group of joints. Once you determine where to focus your efforts you can go from guess work to making deliberate choices in how you focus your training.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Skill Level Is This For?
What Equipment Do I Need?
Is It A One Time Purchase?
Bundle With The Full Mobility & Flexibility Toolkit

One Time Purchase:
- Full in-depth 3 part assessment
- Drills for beginners to advanced
- Training methodology so you know why you train the way you do
- Learn how to write your own programs
- Extensive drill library with our unique drill matrixes
- Opportunities to train with us, exclusive discounts and bonuses
- All future Shoulders updates
- And more
Mobility & Flexibility Toolkit
One Time Purchase:
- Shoulders ($129)
- Side Split ($129)
- Pancake ($129)
- Pike & Head To Toe ($129)
- Front Split ($129)
- All future mobility & flexibility modules: Bridge ($129) & End Range Strength ($129)
- Private forum with expert coaches (can't put a price on a community)
- 50+ in-depth video tutorials teaching you 'why' we do things, not just 'what' to do
- 25+ PDFs (programs, guides, case studies and more)
- Opportunities to train with us, exclusive discounts and bonuses
- All future Mobility & Flexibility updates