Online Coaching To

Touch Your Toes
& Front Split

Your Custom Program Written By The Industry Leaders Of Mobility & Flexibility Training


Apply Before July 3rd

3 months of online coaching to touch your toes, open your hip flexors & front split.

Enrolment is first come, first served. Spots are limited.
The sooner you apply, the sooner we can start our journey together.









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Fully Individualised To Your Body

Chloe pancake before and after


Touch your toes & open your hip flexors

  • This coaching is designed for beginners to touch their toes.
  • Unlock your hip flexors and gain range in your hamstrings.
  • This is a great place to start if you're new to flexibility training.
Jonas pancake before and after


Understand your front split technique

  • Learn how to position your body to optimally enter the front split.
  • Modify your technique to emphasise different aspects of the split.
  • Finally touch down your front splits.
Matt pancake before and after


Head to toe & oversplits

  • Train towards active split positions for aerial, dance and more.
  • Reach beyond the front splits to head to toe & oversplits.
  • Improve your "cold flexibility" - your ability to enter the splits without needing to warm up.

Components Of The Front Split Project

Individualised Programming With Unlimited Feedback

  • This is NOT a follow-along routine. This IS a fully individualised program written by us for you.
  • Ask unlimited questions and receive unlimited form checks from the experts.
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Understand Your Front Split Technique

  • Learn how to position your body to optimally enter the front split.
  • Understand how to make modifications in your technique to emphasise different aspects of the split.

Training Hip Flexion

The front leg

  • Receive personalised exercises to unlock your forward fold.
  • Gain range in your hamstrings whilst strengthening your hip flexors.

Training Hip Extension

The back leg

  • Targeted training for your hip flexors, quads and more.
  • Variations on exercises to target specific weak links and keep progressing.

Learn About Mobility & Flexibility Training 

  • We don't just give you programming. We teach you concepts and methods you can use going forward.
  • We'll tell you when, why and how to implement soft tissue work to increase your flexibility.
  • Learn techniques from across the globe to improve your own tissue quality.

The Most Detailed Online Coaching Exercise Demos

  • Get the full quality of the Mobility & Flexibility Toolkit for each exercise in your program.
  • Accompanying videos to help us coach you through the technique, soft tissue treatments, recovery and more.

What's Inside The Front Split Project

Side split initial assessment

Industry Leading Assessment

how to write a side split program

Custom Program & Training App

measuring side split progress

Unlimited Expert Feedback In Our Dedicated Chats

beginner side split training

Exercises Modified For Every Level

pu bu drop stance squat

Regular Check-Ins & New Weekly Topics

Progressive overload

We Help You Overcome Plateaus & Progressions

This is NOT a follow along routine

Every exercise, rep range and hold time is specifically chosen based on your assessment results.

Most people's program is going to look different:

  • You might be limited by your iliopsoas whilst someone else needs to focus on their rectus femoris (right next to the iliopsoas).
  • Do you need more strength or reduced tension?
  • Do you respond better to shorter more regular training or longer but less frequent?

We will figure out the answers to these questions for you throughout the process.

Your Coaching Team

The entire matthewismith coaching team learnt to front split as an adult.
Liv, Yuval, Manu & Nicolas all learnt through Matt's Mobility & Flexibility Toolkit system.
This puts us in a unique position to teach having gone through the process of learning ourselves.

Matt pancake before and after


Chloe pancake before and after


Chloe pancake before and after


Chloe pancake before and after


Chloe pancake before and after


How The Coaching Works

We're with you every step of the way
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You’ll be assigned a detailed assessment which you will record and submit to our coaches. You’ll discover your individual weaknesses, tightest areas, strength deficiencies and more.

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Crafted Programs

Our expert coaches will analyse your results to craft a personalised program delivered through our custom coaching app. Giving you clarity and a targeted path for improvement.

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Coaching Community

You receive fast feedback on all your questions and techniques through our group forum. You’ll also attend monthly live coaching calls with Matt for invaluable guidance.

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Reviews & Updates

We will regularly track your progress and update your individual programs as necessary to ensure you continue to progress. This way you know you're heading in the right direction.

Apply Now
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Requirements To Join

To ensure you get the most out of the project, we ask that you consider the following before joining, from experience we know this will maximise your progress.

  • You must commit to training 2 hours per week
    ◦ e.g. 2x 60mins or 4x 30mins

  • Stop any other hip mobility & flexibility training (this includes yoga)

  •  Put on hold or minimise any existing lower body strength training (we have an option to program this for you)

  •  You don't have any injuries that will prevent you from training your hamstrings, calves, lower back, adductors or hip flexors

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Combine With Lower Body Strength (Optional)

We have methods to effectively combine flexibility & strength training together.

There's an option for us to program this when you sign up. We'll make sure your leg strength is at least maintained and potentially even improved whilst focusing on the mobility & flexibility training.

What's The Difference?

Mobility & Flexibility Toolkit Logo

Build It Yourself

  • Assessments and guidance to build your own individualised program
  • An education platform to learn the theory and methods of proper mobility & flexibility training
  • Includes pike & front split modules (front splits module is released mid-July)
  • Forum to ask questions
Front Split Project logo

Built For You

  • Online coaching where we write your individualised program for you
  • We introduce and teach new topics when they are most relevant to you
  • We track your progress and modify your training when you need it
  • Unlimited form checks - so you know you're getting the most out of each exercise

Frequently Asked Questions

Student Results

It's been a pleasure to pass on the knowledge and methods to our loyal students who all put in the hard work themselves.

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Head To Toe

This project is not just front splits! We also help you achieve a better pike and forward fold.

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We don't finish at front splits. Build active range to really excel at this skill in a variety of practices.

3 Months of the Most Detailed Coaching - at $249/m

Join the cohort - apply before July 3rd.

3 months of online coaching to touch your toes, open your hip flexors & front split.









Enrolment is first come, first served. Spots are limited.
The sooner you apply, the sooner we can start our journey together.

Have questions? You can WhatsApp us here.

Apply Now